To play Caribbean Stud in Singapore, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic rules and gameplay mechanics. After receiving your five cards, you have two options:** fold or raise. If you choose to fold, you forfeit your ante bet and exit the round. However, if you decide to raise, you must place an additional bet equal to twice your original ante.
Once all players have made their decisions, the dealer reveals their remaining four cards. To qualify for play and compete against your hand effectively in this thrilling online mobile casino game from anywhere in Singapore on any compatible device such as smartphones or tablets running iOS or Android operating systems (OS), the dealer must possess at least Ace-King high combination.
If the dealer fails to qualify according to these criteria, all remaining players win even money on their ante bets while push occurs on raises without winnings awarded nor lost during that particular round! Conversely speaking though not necessary factually accurate given current information available - should they meet qualifications set forth above; however it may happen rarely enough so don't count too much upon luck being always favorably inclined towards oneself when engaging within gambling activities especially considering potential risks involved therein!